Teacher Training
We provide professional teacher training using the new sporting government grant which is now available for the next 5 years. Our aim is to train teachers to becoming more confident in teaching P.E. alone in each subject, for that we provide session plans to work along, with assessments for each child. We list key elements for teachers to keep which gives them a great understanding straight the way of the rules and key aspects of each sport to look for.
Our coaches work closely with different teachers each week teaching their class a different sport every half term to gradually build them up with confidence to be able to take different parts of the lesson such as warm ups, main activity, progressions and cool downs and again we offer a FREE taster session.

Primary PE & Sport Premium Funding
Funding to be doubled to 320m from September 2017.
The recent Budget has pledged that funding for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is to be doubled for primary schools from £160m to £320m per year from September 2017. This gives your school the opportunity to make a significant difference to the health and wellbeing of your pupils until 2020.