PPA Cover
P.E is a key element of a child’s development. Primary school age is the window of opportunity for them to develop their fundamental movements, such as agility, balance, coordination and speed. This can be achieved through a variety of activities including invasion games, striking and fielding, athletics, tag rugby and SAQ which all run alongside the National Curriculum. We feel it is important to encourage all kids to take part in all activities and support each individual separately where needed.
All sessions are planned to make it enjoyable for each pupil whether they are working alone or within a team. Assessments can be conducted on a weekly or termly basis dependant on the requirements of the school. We understand that each school has different requirements and I have the flexibility to adapt to their needs, for this reason we offer each school a FREE taster session.

Primary PE & Sport Premium Funding
Funding to be doubled to 320m from September 2017.
The recent Budget has pledged that funding for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is to be doubled for primary schools from £160m to £320m per year from September 2017. This gives your school the opportunity to make a significant difference to the health and wellbeing of your pupils until 2020.