Community Clubs

Metcalf Multisports are bringing local people together through our evening Community Clubs. We provide a wide range of sports and physical activities to make it easier for local people to get involved and engage in a more active and healthier lifestyle.

Clubs will be available daily at a variety of locations across midlands. These clubs include:

  • Football
  • Tennis
  • Dodgeball
  • Boxercise
  • Gymnastics
  • And much more

Current Community Clubs on offer can be found below.


Primary PE & Sport Premium Funding

Funding to be doubled to 320m from September 2017.

The recent Budget has pledged that funding for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is to be doubled for primary schools from £160m to £320m per year from September 2017. This gives your school the opportunity to make a significant difference to the health and wellbeing of your pupils until 2020.

Free taster sessions available for all services