Adult Classes

We are delighted to offer you the chance to take part in our boxercise and circuit evening clubs.

This session is a mix of cardio, weight and bodyweight exercises to get the heart pumping, also lots of fat burning and muscle toning/building activities.

The combination of bodyweight exercises, fitness equipment and interval training, will not only rapidly improve your overall fitness, but will also help increase your strength, speed and flexibility, as you tone and condition your way to a new body.

Classes are around 60 minutes long

You will start with a 5-10minutes warm-up.

45 minutes of varied full body exercises, team games and circuits, that are performed individually, with a partner and in teams.

Classes will consist of all over entire body toning exercises, circuits, strength and conditioning, core and ab work, interval training games and fitness equipment, such as resistance bands, agility ladders and more.

Your coach will positively guide, motivate and support you through every session, using a combination of bodyweight exercises and fitness equipment, to deliver a fun but extremely effective and challenging workout, you will be amazed! Every session is different, and we work as an entire team within a set area, meaning no one ever gets left behind.


Primary PE & Sport Premium Funding

Funding to be doubled to 320m from September 2017.

The recent Budget has pledged that funding for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is to be doubled for primary schools from £160m to £320m per year from September 2017. This gives your school the opportunity to make a significant difference to the health and wellbeing of your pupils until 2020.

Free taster sessions available for all services